MOGADISHU MAYOR: We continue to fight against the drug dealers


The Governor of Banadir Region and the Mayor of Mogadishu, Mr. Yusuf Hussein Jimale (Madaale) spoke about a network of drug dealers that was caught in an operation on the outskirts of Mogadishu.

Governor Madale together with Heliwaa district administration, the commander of the Eastern Division and officers of the police force of Banadir Region thanked everyone who helped in arresting the groups that make and trade drugs.

The mayor of Mogadishu said that the group that manufactures and trades drugs has set up centers in the outskirts of Mogadishu, after the police started hunting for drug dealers.

The governor of Banadir region has sent a serious warning to the men who make and trade drugs, gangs and all other activities in the capital that are ruining the future of the youth, vowing to fight against those groups.

Finally, the Commander of the General Division of the Banadir Regional Police, Mr. Mahdi Omar Muumin, who was part of the operation to target these groups, said that they are dealing with drug dealers and drug users with an iron hand. sameysteen duleedyada Muqdisho, kaddib markii uu ciidanka booliisku billaabay ugaarsiga ragga maandooriyaha sameeya.


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